Kasuy Donut



  • Mix the ingredients using hook attachment. 3 minutes slow speed then 8 minutes high speed or until we reach the window pane.
  • Rest for 20 minutes then sheet the dough into 5mm thick
  • Rest for another 10 minutes then cut into 4 inch round. Place in a tray.
  • Rest for about 30-45 minutes in 37°C 87% RH
  • Fry the donut for 30 seconds each side

  • Place 200g of the chocolate Iin a bowl, melt over a bain-marie of gently simmering water
  • Heat until temperature reaches 45°C on a cooking thermometer. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the remaining chocolate.
  • As soon as the temperature cools to 27°C, return the bow to the bain-marie and reheat, stirring gen-tly until the chocolate reaches 32°C
  • Dip the brioche bread and top with silvered almonds
  • Wait for the chocolate to be set
  • Once it is set, dust with Puratos Cocoa Powder

  • Cook the butter, sugar and desiccated co-conut into low heat for about 3-5mins. Let it cool
  • Mix the Cremyvit and fresh milk in a mixer with paddle attachment until smooth
  • Add the cooked desiccated coconut and mix again for another minute or until smooth
  • Place in a piping bag and pipe in the donuts


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